The Journey

The podcast’s goal is to answer the questions that will traditionally not be answered in the church setting. Those questions serve as a topic for the podcast episodes and as a jumping-off point for small group guided conversation. It will also encourage you in studying God’s Word no matter where you are in that journey

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The First and the Last Adam

Sunday Sep 18, 2022

Sunday Sep 18, 2022

In this episode, we welcome our guest Reuben Amlalo to help break down the topic of the First and Last Adam.
The idea of the last Adam shows up in three main places: Romans 5, 1 Cor. 15 and in the temptation narratives in the gospels. The phrase, "last Adam" is only used in the 1 Cor. 15 passage. Focusing on these three passages:
In Romans 5:12-21, the application is justification. 
In 1 Corinthians 15, it's the resurrection.
 In the temptation narratives. It's showing how the person and work and ministry of Jesus is better than that of Adam. How he brings a better covenant. 
“Adam stood in for us in creation. Jesus Christ stood in for us in crucifixition. Christ’s representation of us unto salvation and Adam’s representation of us unto condemnation go hand in hand. We cannot have one without the other.”
Our goal for this podcast:
To encourage you in the study of God's Word no matter where you are in that journey
To use your knowledge to encourage your family and friends 
To elevate your heart of worship that stems from knowing God better 
What our Podcast isn't. This is not the church!
Why do we say this? Because the Bible commands us on what a christian gathering should look like? Heb 10:24-25, Rom 12:4-5
What is the importance of a local church membership? For your spiritual health and for the mutual edification 
For a shepherd to be able to give account of you and you also be accountable (Heb 13:17)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Mannahousecc. Email us with questions, comments or topic suggestions at

Sunday Jun 19, 2022

In this episode, we tackle the controversial topic called the Sabbath Day. What is it? Who is it for? Is it still relevant in our time? How should it be observed?
Physical rest:
Exodus 23:12 “Six days you shall do your work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your servant woman, and the alien, may be refreshed…”
Isaiah 58:13 “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on My holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words…”
Spiritual rest:
Scholars have said that it should be a day of spiritual rest in which believers ought to lay aside their own work to allow God to work in them. Others have said that in dealing with sin, God calls us to turn from our works to his grace. Salvation is “by God’s grace and not our work”Ephesians 2:8-9, so we can rest in that truth.
The sabbath ordinance is rooted in both creation and of redemption and it does in this way; It looks backward to God's good creation in Gen 2:2 and 2 and it looks forward to the final redemptive sabbath rest for God's people that we see in Hebrews 4:1-11
Additional Scriptures mentioned:
Exodus 20:8-11
Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Our goal for this podcast:
To encourage you in the study of God's Word no matter where you are in that journey
To use your knowledge to encourage your family and friends 
To elevate your heart of worship that stems from knowing God better 
What our Podcast isn't. This is not the church!
Why do we say this? Because the Bible commands us on what a christian gathering should look like? Heb 10:24-25, Rom 12:4-5
What is the importance of a local church membership? For your spiritual health and for the mutual edification 
For a shepherd to be able to give account of you and you also be accountable (Heb 13:17)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Mannahousecc. Email us with questions, comments or topic suggestions at

Sunday Jun 19, 2022

In this episode, we discuss the commonly used phrase at funerals “Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust…” Is it Biblical or just a popular funeral trend??
Our objectives:
Explain Creator/creature distinction
Discuss the assurance of life after death of a believer
What hope can be found in all of this?
Point out the origin of the quote from the Book of Common Prayer which states;
FOR AS MUCH as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed: we therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.
Additional Scriptures mentioned:
Genesis 3:19
Genesis 18:27
Job 30:19
Ecclesiastes 3:20
Psalms 103:13-17
Today’s Encouragement:
“So as Christians, we don’t fear death as others will or mourn like those who have no hope. We courageously live our lives for the glory of the Lord and with hope face death because we know that even though death may be fatal in this world, it is not final for those in the Lord.”
- Femi Oke
Our goal for this podcast:
To encourage you in the study of God's Word no matter where you are in that journey
To use your knowledge to encourage your family and friends 
To elevate your heart of worship that stems from knowing God better 
What our Podcast isn't. This is not the church!
Why do we say this? Because the Bible commands us on what a christian gathering should look like? Heb 10:24-25, Rom 12:4-5
What is the importance of a local church membership? For your spiritual health and for the mutual edification 
For a shepherd to be able to give account of you and you also be accountable (Heb 13:17)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Mannahousecc. Email us with questions, comments or topic suggestions at

Your Mind Matters - Part 2

Wednesday May 11, 2022

Wednesday May 11, 2022

John Stott (1921-2011) was an Anglican minister who emphasized the need for intellectualism in Christianity.
He was widely known for his evangelical ministry and is an author of more than 50 books.
Mindless Christianity
Christians should use their minds because their thoughts shape their actions
Why use our mind?
The mind in the Christian life
 The only appropriate sign of worship is when we use our minds.
We praise Him because of his great creation, the promise He made to His people (even those who are different), and his never ending love.
True worship is prayer and worship that engages the mind.
Acting on our knowledge
It should lead to worship and we should be overjoyed when we read the word. 
It should lead to faith because we know God’s nature 
It should lead to holiness.

Your Mind Matters - Part 1

Wednesday May 11, 2022

Wednesday May 11, 2022

John Stott (1921-2011) was an Anglican minister who emphasized the need for intellectualism in Christianity.
He was widely known for his evangelical ministry and is an author of more than 50 books.
Mindless Christianity
Christians should use their minds because their thoughts shape their actions
Why use our mind?
The mind in the Christian life
 The only appropriate sign of worship is when we use our minds.
We praise Him because of his great creation, the promise He made to His people (even those who are different), and his never ending love.
True worship is prayer and worship that engages the mind.
Acting on our knowledge
It should lead to worship and we should be overjoyed when we read the word. 
It should lead to faith because we know God’s nature 
It should lead to holiness.

Jeremiah 29:11

Monday Apr 25, 2022

Monday Apr 25, 2022

In this episode, we discuss the popular verse Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Our objectives: 
How to read and understand the prophetic books of the Bible
How to read and understand the true meaning behind Jeremiah 29:11 in the context of that time and how it’s relevant to us today.
Additional Scriptures mentioned:
1 Peter 2:11
James 1: 2-4
2 Kings 15, 16
1 Chronicles 52 Chronicles 28
2 Kings 17


Thursday Apr 21, 2022

Thursday Apr 21, 2022

In this episode, we introduce “The Journey Podcast”.
Our goal for this podcast:
To encourage you in the study of God's Word no matter where you are in that journey
To use your knowledge to encourage your family and friends 
To elevate your heart of worship that stems from knowing God better 
What our Podcast isn't. This is not the church!
Why do we say this? Because the Bible commands us on what a christian gathering should look like? Heb 10:24-25, Rom 12:4-5
What is the importance of a local church membership? For your spiritual health and for the mutual edification 
For a shepherd to be able to give account of you and you also be accountable (Heb 13:17)
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at Mannahousecc. Email us with questions, comments or topic suggestions at


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